Para homenagear o gato, o dono empalhou o bicho, e o transformou em um helicóptero de controle remoto.

It is very normal to see cats on top of trees and lampposts. It is also normal to see the kittens fall from up there, and nothing happens to them. There is nothing new, because everyone knows that these small cats have seven lives. But if I had so many lives, do not be afraid to throw myself off a huge pole.
But it seems that the kitten Dutchman Bart Jensen, the Orllive, threw both from above that it has exhausted all their lives .... In fact he was hit.
To honor the cat, the owner retained the parts of the animal, and turned it into a remote control helicopter.

But it seems that the kitten Dutchman Bart Jensen, the Orllive, threw both from above that it has exhausted all their lives .... In fact he was hit.
To honor the cat, the owner retained the parts of the animal, and turned it into a remote control helicopter.
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