Todos sabem que a China é um país cheio de censura, os poucos que não sabem dessa censura é a população (1,3 bilhões de habitantes), pois alguns chineses nunca ouviram falar em Facebook, Twitter.....No país não existe transmissão ao vivo, eles atrasam em alguns segundos a transmissão, para que assim, seja possível cortar algo que para o governo considera improprio.
Qualquer um que viaje para a China ,estranha, pois lá não da pra twittar sobre a viajem maravilhosa, ou mesmo procurar por um destino pelo Google, já que as buscas são limitadas. O pior é não poder publicar as fotos que você tirou na Grande Muralha da China.
Mas acho que dá pra ficar por uma ou duas semanas sem internet, só pra desfrutar dos fascinios da China, as montanhas, os pandas, e os biscoitos da sorte.
It is the 3rd largest country in the world and first in number of population. China is a country that really surprised by its beauty and its history of more than 5000 years. But that oriental country full of mysteries, The Great Wall is not the only obstacle facing.
Everyone knows that China is a country full of censorship, the few who do not know that censorship is the population (1.3 billion), as some Chinese have never heard of Facebook, Twitter ..... The country does not exist live broadcast, they delayed a few seconds the transmission, so that it is possible to cut something that the government is considered improper.
Anyone who travels to China, strange, because you can't tweeting about the wonderful journey, or even search for a destination by Google since the search is limited. The worst is not able to publish the photos you took at the Great Wall of China.
But i guess you can stay for one or two weeks without internet, just to enjoy the fascinations of China, the mountains, the pandas, and fortune cookies.

It is the 3rd largest country in the world and first in number of population. China is a country that really surprised by its beauty and its history of more than 5000 years. But that oriental country full of mysteries, The Great Wall is not the only obstacle facing.
Everyone knows that China is a country full of censorship, the few who do not know that censorship is the population (1.3 billion), as some Chinese have never heard of Facebook, Twitter ..... The country does not exist live broadcast, they delayed a few seconds the transmission, so that it is possible to cut something that the government is considered improper.
Anyone who travels to China, strange, because you can't tweeting about the wonderful journey, or even search for a destination by Google since the search is limited. The worst is not able to publish the photos you took at the Great Wall of China.
But i guess you can stay for one or two weeks without internet, just to enjoy the fascinations of China, the mountains, the pandas, and fortune cookies.

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