sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

First Idea

    I have not the slightest idea of what to put in my first post my first blog. By the way,talking about having ideas, this business of having to put the lamp on top of head towork is really difficult!
But of course there is nothing impossible, because man is a thinking, think a thousand times in one day. The bad thing is to turn those ideas into reality.
   It's kinda strange, but our best ideas do not come up when we try to go deep in caxolaand takes it by force. It appears when least expected.
Our mind is like a computer, but with much more terabytes of memory! That is, after all that I wrote and I said, I just wanted to say that you should not be afraid to show their ideas, their projects.
So I'm starting this blog to express myself and show things that I like ....
   Have an idea even if not brilliant is very easy (now that I got right) so that these 11 linesI got an idea. I hope you enjoy my ideas, which most often are crazy, strange and impossible.
Or were until then!
"Great ideas come from observing the Small details."

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