quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Who really is Omar Ghoucher

  I know I should have started this blog talking about me, but I was excited to write my first post (first idea) that I forgot to post about myself.
      My full name is Omar Mohamed Abou Ghouch, I was born in a tiny village called Lala, Lebanon. That 16 years ago in 1996. I am the youngest of four siblings, and even though I was a hellion as a kid, I still did not conform to suffer so much because I have to take care of my nephews crazy, even loving.
      When I was 1 year old, we moved to Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. I had a great childhood, lived on the streets until 9 at night, playing hide and seek, catch up, but I soon tired. But not everything was easy then. With 5 years appeared to me the hernia, I had surgery and everything I did before I went back to do it again. But remember that even today colorful balloon that the doctor gave me to blow, and after that I can not remember anything, I capotei.
      When I was about 8 years I began to think what I would be as an adult, has wanted to be a vet because I have had many animals, have had to quail, but I loved were very smelly. Ever wanted to be a doctor, but I'm sick. Ever wanted to be an astronaut, and I think every child imagined one day on the moon.
       Then one day I saw that i love to invent things, I took the tools from my father and was joined with screws and wire nails and rode a robot. I was determined to be the greatest inventor the world.
Then I came to that of adolescence, and overnight I felt like an idiot with these crazy ideas of being an inventor, astronaut .... I was so shy that he could not see myself surrounded by people who already was shaking me and despair dominated me.
    Strange, but it seems I'm living child that time again. Because now I am no longer so shy, it is clear that most do not play in the street as before, is that such an internet stole the beautiful sunny days of play. Now I'm here, and still do not know what profession to follow, I'm more indecisive than when I was a child.
 But anyway, I am in the world 16 years and two months this year is my last year, and next I hope to be attending a really good job, not that the inventor is a bad profession. As a child in here have not changed very little, still a prate, (my nickname was parrot), messy, and still want to have time to know the whole world.
So I say, the only difference between me now and I child, is the size!

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